Kenya Youth Support Association

A place where the youth connect, explore, learn, and grow together. Be part of unshakable force and learn from others various ways on how you can navigate your day to day hurdles 

Our Main Areas of Focus

Join us to make the following areas of focus a success. We are confident that youths are drivers of any community. And we need you to be part of this journey...

KEYSA Community

Join the Kenya Youth Support Association Community and explore success stories, engage in your interests, learn from each other and grow exponentially.

The KEYSA Academy

Browse through curated courses that suite your passion and interest. The courses are taylor-made to suite the market demand in areas such as web design, graphics design, video editing, professional writing, digital marketing among others.

Extend a Giving Hand

As the youths are the pillars of the community, we are confident that when we come together, we can make a huge impact in our communities. From taking care of our environment, helping the needy and growing campaigns to help the less fortunate in the society

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Filter Through Our Courses and Start Learning

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Dont Take Our Word For It

Listen firsthand to the youths who are experiencing change from Kenya Youth Empowerment Network. You could be the one!

Peter Simboni Founder & CEO of SMP EVENTURES LTD

The purpose of living is to connect, share experiences and grow together. The natural state of humans is to socialize; and i like to be happy. Which is why I am part of Key Network

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.
It is a paradisematic country, in which

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